Hohoho..Merry X'mas..
On this day, i celebrated christmas wt a group of best buddy..G18 and a group of XXT (well, i did not noe wat it stand for) from TARC
As usual, v went to XY hse to enjoy ourself where we eat, yell, sing K and snap snap snap picture. Before that, every1 decided to bring so homecook food there to eat..
I have brought fried rice (i did myself...joking of course) and some of my fren brought curry chicken, jelly, mushroom soup, nugget, fried noodles and satay (sponsored by Xy dad).
Oh yay, of course v enjoy ourself very much there.
Beside eating, v have some games such as ' truth or dare' , numbering (sry, i dunno how to xplain tat game) and exchange present. Haha, this is wat i waiting for...present present..where are you??...Owww, too bad, i got Man Yi name...Yeeer..she's not there.. Hmp, terpaksa lah i collect from here next time...Nevermind, i kan orang baik...hehehehe.
Merry Christmas to everyone and enjoy urself...May God bless you.
Hohoho..Merry X'mas..
On this day, i celebrated christmas wt a group of best buddy..G18 and a group of XXT (well, i did not noe wat it stand for) from TARC
As usual, v went to XY hse to enjoy ourself where we eat, yell, sing K and snap snap snap picture. Before that, every1 decided to bring so homecook food there to eat..
I have brought fried rice (i did myself...joking of course) and some of my fren brought curry chicken, jelly, mushroom soup, nugget, fried noodles and satay (sponsored by Xy dad).
Oh yay, of course v enjoy ourself very much there.
Beside eating, v have some games such as ' truth or dare' , numbering (sry, i dunno how to xplain tat game) and exchange present. Haha, this is wat i waiting for...present present..where are you??...Owww, too bad, i got Man Yi name...Yeeer..she's not there.. Hmp, terpaksa lah i collect from here next time...Nevermind, i kan orang baik...hehehehe.
Merry Christmas to everyone and enjoy urself...May God bless you.